"... I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." - John 10:10





Throughout history the battle has been raging. It is the battle for the hearts and minds of humanity.


On the one side, those who love truth, who are willing to dig for it as for hidden treasure, and to share and defend the light they have found.


On the other side, those who use deception, manipulation, coercion, threats, and outright force to keep truth from coming to light. This battle between the Kingdom of Light and the Kingdom of Darkness is coming to a final and fierce showdown.The Bible's book of Revelation describes a mammoth religio-political organization called Babylon that is in illicit relationships with the governments and wealthy elites of the earth. This Babylon deceives all nations by her 'pharmakeia', the Greek word translated 'sorceries' in Revelation 18:23.


Babylon and world governments will soon unite in mandating the Mark of the Beast, attempting to force allegiance to a corrupt tyranny of one world technocratic government pursuing total control of every individual conscience – for the common good, of course.


The events of the Covid-19 crisis – the worldwide deception, censorship, coercion, mandates, lockdowns, contact tracing, vaccine passports, economic restrictions, and 'The Great Reset' – are a warm-up run and preparation for the final crisis, where liberty of conscience will face its ultimate assault. And so the protest continues.


Find out the issues involved as we examine Covid-era deceptions, health truths, history, and prophecy, and discover how you can prepare for ultimate victory.